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Dark Spots On Zz Plant Stem

Dark spots on zz plant stem

Dark spots on zz plant stem

Cause. Spring black stem and leaf spot is caused by the fungus Phoma medicaginis var. medicaginis. This fungus survives the winter as pycnidia or dormant mycelium in overwintered stem lesions or fallen leaves.

What does root rot look like on a ZZ plant?

The most common sign of root rot in ZZ Plants is discoloration. ZZs that have damaged roots lose their deep green color and instead start to fade from pale green to yellow before the leaves fall off and die.

How do you tell if ZZ plant is overwatered?

Overwatering results in mushy brown stalks and yellowing of the leaves. Dropping leaves can also be an indication of overwatering. Hold off on watering and prune your plant. Once the soil is completely dry all the way through the pot then your plant is ready for a drink.

What does a dehydrated ZZ plant look like?

Dry Leaf Tips You may notice that your ZZ Plant looks healthy overall, but are starting to see shriveled, brown, dry tips on some of the leaves. As a semi-succulent plant, ZZ leaves are regularly pretty waxy and turgid (swollen from water pressure).

What does stem blight look like?

At first, pale brown, then bleached areas develop, and a reddish gum oozes from cracks. Affected areas are studded with pycnidia of the fungus. Fruit develop water-soaked, small oval to circular spots that are a greasy green colour and turn dark brown as the spots enlarge.

How do you fix black stem rot?

Solution Advice Remove and destroy infected plants. If they have been growing in containers, throw out the potting mix in which they grew. Wash and disinfect contaminated tools and pots. Plant healthy geraniums in well-drained soil and let them dry out between waterings.

What does Brown stem rot look like?

Symptoms of BSR usually don't appear until mid-August or later. BSR causes browning of the pith in the center of the stem, especially near the lower nodes. The pith is typically brown in stems that are split, whereas the pith is white in healthy stems.

What does root rot look like on stems?

Signs of root rot are slow growth, mushy stems, and wilting, yellow, distorted leaves (especially when the plant has been well watered, as wilting leaves can also be a sign of a dry plant). Usually the soil will smell rotten and the roots will appear to be reddish brown.

How do you fix root and stem rot?

Common infections

  1. Remove the plant from the pot and break off the soil from the root ball.
  2. Use sterilized scissors to trim away rotting roots.
  3. Prune back the foliage of your plant. ...
  4. Toss the rest of the original soil.
  5. Wash the pot with a bleach water solution to kill any fungus or bacteria.

What does a ZZ plant look like when it needs water?

Water your ZZ Plant every 2-3 weeks, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Expect to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light. Signs that it is thirsty include wilting, wrinkled leaves, and dry potting mix, while wet mix or yellowing and mushy leaves signal overwatering and root rot.

Do you water ZZ plant from top or bottom?


  • Fill the plant tray with water.
  • Make sure the soil is in contact with the water on the tray.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes.
  • Feel the soil to see if it absorbed enough water —> if the soil is moist throughout, remove any excess water from the tray.
  • If it's still dry —> add more water to the tray.

Can a ZZ plant get too much light?

Too Much Light While it's nearly impossible to give the ZZ too little light, it can get a sunburn if it's left in too much direct sunshine. If the leaves are curling, leaning away from the light, or showing signs of yellowing, try adding some shade or moving the plant away from the light source.

What does an unhealthy ZZ Plant look like?

The most common ZZ Plant problems are yellow leaves and root rot caused by overwatering. They are also prone to brown leaves due to excess light, heat, overfertilizing, or low humidity. Bright, indirect light, well-draining soil, and cautious watering will prevent most problems.

Should I mist my ZZ Plant?

It thrives best in humid climates, but can tolerate less humid climates, unless the air is really dry. In that case, you can mist its leaves with water to combat the dry air. Stunted growth can occur if your plant is placed near an air conditioning vent and/or the temperature drops below 45°F.

How long can a ZZ Plant go without water?

How long can ZZ plant go without water? Even without frequent irrigation, ZZ plants can thrive during dry spells of about three weeks because their rhizomes act as their water reservoir.

Can stem rot be reversed?

Treating Root and Stem Rot If you caught the problem early enough, there's a good chance that you can address the issue and give your plants a fighting chance to bounce back. Remove the affected plants from the soil, and gently wash the roots under running, clean water.

How do I know if I have stem rot?

Symptoms include spots on the lower part of the stem, in a wide range of colors: gray, brown, black, or vibrant red. The disease leads to root decay, wilting, dieback, and weakened plants.

What does bacterial blight look like?

Symptoms of common bacterial blight first appear on leaves as small, water-soaked spots, light green areas, or both. As these spots enlarge, the tissue in the center dies and turns brown. These irregularly shaped spots are bordered by a lemon yellow ring, which serves as a diagnostic symptom of common bacterial blight.

Should I cut off rotting stem?

Prune your plant when you notice root rot At the same time, it's good to prune a few stems and leaves off your plant when it's suffering from root rot. It's good to prune these stems and leaves, because they all need energy and nutrients.

Can you save a plant with a black stem?

If the stem has turned soggy and black, you should dig out the plant and check the roots as well. If all the roots are soggy and black, you can't save the plant and need to dispose of it. If only some roots are affected, you can cut them off.

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