Monstera Minima Rhaphidophora

Monstera minima rhaphidophora
The monstera deliciosa is larger when compared to the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plant. They have different growing patterns but their care is quite similar. Their foliages are similar hence the name mini Monstera. They are both from the same Araceae family but have different genera.
Is Monstera Minima the same as Rhaphidophora tetrasperma?
They're the same thing. The fact that Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is also commonly referred to as Monstera minima or mini Monstera probably has to do with the fact that its scientific name is difficult to pronounce, as well as its visual similarity to its cousin Monstera deliciosa. They're also both aroids.
Is Philodendron Minima the same as Rhaphidophora?
Philodendron Minima, also known as Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, is a tropical houseplant belonging to the 'Rhaphidophora' genus. It is a distant relative of Monsteras and Philodendrons under the same Arum/Araceae family.
How do you care for mini Monstera Rhaphidophora?
Water: Keep soil moist using water at room temperature, but do not allow the plant to sit in water. Allow the plant to dry out between watering, during the dormancy - autumn, winter - as too much water can put the plant under stress. Humidity: Moderate humidity and regular misting will be beneficial.
What is the rarest type of Monstera?
Monstera Obliqua is one of the rarest - and most demanding - monstera varieties out there and it's an expensive challenge only the most passionate plant parents attempt. If you're absolutely serious about getting one of these stunning houseplants, here are a few things you want to know about the Monstera Obliqua.
How tall does Monstera minima grow?
However, monstera minima is much smaller than its larger look-alike. Whereas the deliciosa can grow up to 8 feet tall indoors with 2-foot-long leaves, and will happily take over your space if you let it, monstera minima will top out at about 5 feet tall and will only spread a foot or two.
Is Monstera Minima rare?
The Minima is often mistaken for a member of the Monstera family because its leaves have a similar shape, but it is in fact quite a rare species, not often found in the wild.
How do you take care of a minima?
It needs medium light and it's usually preferred to avoid putting it under direct sunlight. It requires average humidity and watering should only be frequent in warmer months. The average amount of soil needed for this plant to nourish is 4-6 cm in-depth and it should be close to dry, not damp.
Do Rhaphidophora tetrasperma like small pots?
When should I repot my Rhaphidophora tetrasperma? They can grow a bit tight in their pots but will do better in a larger one with more room for the roots to spread out.
Is a Rhaphidophora a Monstera?
Not a Monstera, But Just as Easy This plant is actually not a Monstera but a part of an independent genus, Rhaphidophora. They originate from Thailand and Malaysia and are a part of the Araceae family, making Rhaphidophora plants distantly related to those in the Monstera genus.
Why is my Monstera Rhaphidophora not splitting?
While monsteras can definitely get by in lower light, they won't grow much or develop many splits (or multiple rows of splits) without lots of bright, indirect sunlight. Even if you're doing everything else right, your monstera leaves may not split without the right light.
Can I cut the top of my mini Monstera?
If you're pruning to control your monstera's size, you can safely cut the plant down to size. Just know it will grow back and you'll need to do it again at some point!
What are common problems with mini Monstera?
Pests & Diseases Keep an eye out for mealybugs, spider mites, scale, thrips & whitefly that'll locate themselves in the cubbyholes and undersides of the leaves. Common diseases associated with Rhaphidophora are root rot, red leaf-spot, botrytis & southern blight - click here to learn more about these issues.
How often should I mist my mini Monstera?
This plant will thrive in almost any environment, but if you want to give it a special treat, gently mist it once a week using a Mister. It's best to mist your Monstera in the morning so the water has plenty of time to evaporate before evening. Normal room temperatures between 60–80 degrees are great for your Monstera.
How do I get my Mini Monstera to climb?
Mini monsteras like to climb, so make sure to include a moss pole or trellis in or near their pot so the aerial roots have something to grab onto. You can purchase a short moss pole or a tall moss pole or even make your own.
Which monstera is easiest to grow?
Monstera deliciosa is so easy to grow - it virtually thrives on neglect. 2. Its glossy, Swiss-cheese like leaves make a naturally beautiful statement in any style of home.
What is the lifespan of a monstera?
Like many other houseplants, monstera can live upwards of 40 years and more. It's all about how well you care for this tropical houseplant, such as providing bright light.
How much is a monstera plant worth?
Young, smaller monstera varieties might start off as low as $10, with more mature or less common varieties costing up to $100.
How far away from window should Monstera be?
About 5-10ft away from a South, Southwest, or West-facing window without curtains. Next to a North or East-facing window.
Do Monstera plants need deep pots?
Shallow Pots. A Monstera plant needs lots of room for healthy root development. Shallow pots need to provide more space for their vigorous growth. If you have a tall Monstera plant or if you're using a sphagnum moss pole, a shallow pot will not provide enough stability, and your plant may topple over.
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